1.对于一般的英文名称为而言(不管它是商标或者文章题目),头尾两个单词首字母大写;只要是实词首字母就要大写,虚词(比如the, and等等)一般不大写。举个例子:比如一篇文章题目叫the story about my family,就应该写成 The Story about My Family:首尾单词首字母大写。尽管第一个词the作为虚词本来应该小写,但由于它处在题目的第一个单词,所以必须大写),中间的实词首字母大写。英文商标也是同一个规律,比如所举的例子里:Industrial Light & Magic (工业光魔),首字母大写即可,跟长短没有关系,不过有些商标可能连虚词首字母也大写了。2.下面讲一讲DreamWorks和Microsoft的规律,这两个词结构并不一样,我们英语系学习的时候把它们分别称作“派生”和“合成”。所谓“派生”就是指在原来一个完整单词上加上前缀或后缀,就像你说的Microsoft,实际上是在单词soft前面加了一个micro-的前缀
Company is the integration of the food production chain of supply and marketing agencies; cake more than 50 chain stores in the city are a number of the birth of a division of brewing, and the steady development in the fast, Henan Province has become the number one brand in baking chain. Has been the spirit of "doing a steady development, high-quality food company to grow to a hundred years the" noble